Saturday, December 4, 2010

DotNetNuke 5.6 - A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

Today morning, when I was preparing for a new installation instance for dnn 5.6, I was facing trouble to install new module, create new tab and I come to the conclusion that any post back event from the site was causing the "potentially dangerous Request.Form value".

I was still able to install module using /Install/Install.aspx?mode=installresource but finally stuck when I was not able to add the installed module into page.

Finally, after reading several articles on web, I found web.config's httpRuntime element needs another attribute called : requestValidationMode="2.0"

I go the solution here (

And finally, I was on my way to regular work.
please note that I was trying this on having webmatrix installed and I was browsing the site in 4.0 integrated mode.
Hope this will help to someone in the same kind of trouble.


  1. Thanks Prashant!

    Solved a problem from a 6 year ago client of mine running a very old website :)

    Best regards!


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