Friday, July 17, 2009

Converting skin package of DotNetNnuke 4.x to DotNetNuke 5.x

  • First step for converting the skin package is to Install dotetnuke 4.x skins to dotnetnuke 5.x.
  • Once you install the lagency skin package, now you need to go to Admin > Extensions if you have installed that Skin to Admin Extensions otherwise go to Host > Extensions
  • In the skins section, find the skin you want to create 5.x package and click on Edit icon at the starting of it
  • This will launch the skin information. Update version number, release notes, licence, owner, company, email etc and press Update.
  • Now click on Create Package
  • This will launch a create package wizard. As you already change the information about version number, licence and all that, just follow the wizard by clicking Next each time.
  • Once you finish this wizard, package is generated at ~/Insatall/Skins
  • That zip file package is a dotentnuke 5.x compitible package for your skin.
  • Follow the same steps for generating package for container also.
  • You can use this method to package any extension of dnn 5.x (like skin object, module)
  • This will generate separate packages for skin and container.
  • You can use this method to create update package of an existing skin
  • If I want to create a single package for installing skin and container, I have to manually merge the files and .dnn files. Please suggest if someone knows about creating a single package for skin and conatainer using this method.
  • This is how I have converted Cash 2.0 skin package for 4.x to 5.x

Installing dotetnuke 4.x skins to dotnetnuke 5.x

  • If skin and container both are in single package, extract the zip files and rename to
  • Login to your host account in dnn 5.x installation
  • Go to Host > Extensions if you want to install the skin at host level, otherwise go to Admin > Extensions
  • Switch the mode to Edit if it is not already in Edit mode
  • Click on install extensions
  • In the Extension Installation wizard, select your file and click on next.
  • It will show you this message:
    "This package does not appear to be a valid DotNetNuke Extension as it does not have a manifest. Old (legacy) Skins and Containers do not contain manifests. If this package is a legacy Skin or Container Package please check the appropriate radio button below, and click Next"
  • It will show 3 Radio buttons, Choose Skin and click Next
  • Follow the installation wizard by clicking 'Next' throughout the wizard.
  • Now to install container of the container of the skin, rename the back to and rename to
  • Follow the same step as above accept for the radio button where you choose Skin, you just need to choose Container this time.
  • That's it. We are done with the installation! Happy Administration!
Please read the following this article about creating skin package for dotnetnuke 5.x from the skin package of the skin for dotnetnuke 4.x

Cash - New package for dnn 5.x is available

Free dotnetnuke skin Cash is updated and now it has a new installation package that supports dotnetnuke 5.x version also. Stay tuned to know how I converted dnn 4.x skin to dnn 5.x skin.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

DotNetNuke - Implementing Multi-color skins

Here I’m going to present an approach to create a DotNetNuke skin which has multiple colors using a single ascx skin control and multiple css files.
  • Allow user to choose the color
  • When user selects the color, post an ajax request to server to store the setting in database and send response
  • read the response using javascript and change the css file.
    When user comes to the portal again, load right css from server side by reading database settings for the portal.
  • implement authorization so that only admin and host of the portal can change skins
jQuery – jQuery comes into the picture when our page is loaded in client browser and it is ready. We will use jQuery to post ajax request to server using some parameters that can tell server side code what to do. That ajax call will wait for response and it expects response code (true or false) and response data (new css url).

Skin Object – The skin object will contain UI for changing the skin color as well as jQuery code that does the change in UI after interaction of the user. It handles the ajax request and update the database with the new skin file name.

Skin – While rendering the skin, we have to look into the database to check if current portal has any skin related setting available or not. If its not, we will render the default color skin. If it contains the setting, we will read it and apply.

Htmls and css - We will have a single ascx control called HomePage.ascx, with multiple css files blue.css and gray.css. Default is gray.css. Common attributes for the skin will be included in skin.css. common images are stored in images folder under skin root. Images for individual color css will be resided in a images/colorname/ folder. For instance, images for blue.css wll be in images/blue/ folder and same for gray.

Let’s Implement
Extend Skin – Create a new class that inherits from DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin. Add a property for saving cssName. In get section of the property write a code to load css name from database by passing PortalSettings.portalid.

Use new Property – in ascx control where you have inherits section, change the DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin to your class name. and add following after the register section at the top of the ascx control.

<link id="lnkMyCss" rel="stylesheet" href="<%=SkinPath+GridCss %>" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />

Note: Make sure you have all the ascx, css and images arranged like mensioned in Htmls and css section.

Skin Object – Create a new skin object and add following code to its ascx.

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="changeTheme(this.color);" color="Gray">Gray</a> |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="changeTheme(this.color);" color="Blue">Blue</a>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function changeTheme(color)

function response(data)

Add following code to Page_Init of the skin object.

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.Form["action"]!=null)
string action = Request.Form["action"].ToString();
string settingValue = string.Empty;
switch (action)
case "changeSkin":
if (Request.Form["colorcode"] != null)
string colorCode = Request.Form["colorcode"].ToString();
settingValue = colorCode == "Blue" ? "blue.css" : "gray.css";
BR.BRESS.Skins.DataProvider.Instance().setSettings(PortalSettings.PortalId, "CSS", settingValue);
settingValue = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc.Replace("HomePage.ascx", settingValue);


Register Skin Object – Register this skin object in ascx control.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="BRESS" TagName="SKINMANAGER" Src="~/DesktopModules/SkinManager/SkinManager.ascx" %>

Note: The Src should contain a correct path of your skin object.
And wherever you like to add the UI you need to include this:

BRESS:SKINMANAGER ID="sm" runat="server" />

• This article is only for those who knows basics about skin development and skin object development
• The methods and techniques used in this code are for demo purpose and can be improved
• It is a starting point to implement multi-skin multi-color functionality using DotNetNuke skinning technique.
• Simple alternative to this approach is to create multiple ascx controls and apply css to each control separately.
• Suggestions for enhancements and improvements are always welcome

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